Results from Annual Marian Medical Center Golf Tournament
Author: Elliott Stern, Santa Maria Times
Doc Harrison got his wish.
After losing last year’s Simas/Fly Memorial Golf Tournament in a card-off, Dr. Alex Harrison said he’d rather lose in a playoff than win a card off.
“Bogus” was his carefully chosen word for the card-off.
“We ought to do a playoff. It would be great just for the drama of it,” was what Doc Harrison said at the time.
Then Marian Medical Center President Chuck Cova named the young cardiologist to the tournament committee where he quickly rose to become its chairman.
And they immediately got rid of the card-off.
It was replaced this year with a playoff.
As luck would have it, the first time out, the 24th annual Leland “Butch” Simas/Felix Fly, M.D. Memorial Golf Tournament — which was played Monday at the Santa Maria Country Club as a fundraiser for the Marian Medical Center Foundation — ended in a tie in the low gross (no handicap) division.
The championship was settled with the tournament’s first-ever playoff.
Dr. Alex Harrison is new tournament chairman for annual Marian Medical Center golf tournament
Author: Elliott Stern, Santa Maria Times
If you’re already registered, then you should know there’s a new tournament chairman and one new rule for the 2013 edition.
The new chairman is Dr. Alex Harrison — one of Marian’s highly respected cardiologists and golfers (he is a CIF Sac Joaquin Section golf champion, after all).
The new rule — for the first time card-offs will no longer be used to determine the championship foursome in either division; low gross (no handicaps) or low net (with handicaps figured in).
And, in the interest of full disclosure, Dr. Harrison is my cardiologist (he led the team that put three stents into my Iliac arteries two years ago — stents that are a matching set to the five in my right coronary artery).
While I am usually reluctant to delve into my medical history, I mention this because Dr. Harrison says I am responsible for both his selection to the tournament committee and the rule change. A fact to which both Grogan and Marian Medical Center President Chuck Cova both attest.
Dr. Harrison’s Team Ties for 1st Place at the 23rd Annual Simas/Fly Memorial Tournament
We couldn’t have asked for a better day. The weather was perfect. We had a great turnout,” said Marian Medical Center President Chuck Cova. “Now that our capital improvement campaign is pretty well wrapped up, we’ve gone back to dedicating the money raised here by the Marian Foundation to specific departments.”
This year, the proceeds will benefit Marian’s Robotic Surgery Program and the unit’s da Vinci Robotic Surgery System.
“We have a five year commitment to fund this department,” said Dr. Christopher Johnson, the Medical Director of the Robotic Surgery Department and the co-chairman of the 2012 Simas/Fly Tournament.
“It was a gorgeous day today. The weather was perfect. It’s for a good cause — that’s why I’m here,” said Harrison.
Harrison, it should be noted, won a CIF Northern Section golf championship in his senior year in high school in the Sacramento area. He was also a member of the UC San Diego golf team in college.
“There’s a lot more job security in medicine than there is on golf,” said Harrison, a cardiologist. “If you’re not in the top 130 in golf — you’re out.”
Dr Harrison Helps Organize The Flying Samaritans Memorial Golf Tournament (10/17/11)
A golf tournament fundraiser was held in Arroyo Grande Monday in honor of four local medical aid workers who lost their lives in a tragic plane crash one year ago.
Last October, pilot Roger Lyon, Dr. James Thornton, Dr. Graciela Sarmiento and Cal Poly Graduate, Andrew Thiel were headed to Mexico to help out at free medical clinics.
They were all part of the humanitarian group Flying Samaritans, and tragically, their plane crashed near Ensenada, killing everyone onboard.
“We wanted to raise awareness for their cause that they were supporting, and also memorialize their efforts. And we thought a wonderful way to do that would be to have this memorial golf tournament,” said Alex Harrison, the golf tournament director.
Proceeds from Monday’s golf tournament at Cypress Ridge will all go to the Flying Samaritans organization.